Tuesday, March 20, 2012

BBFC Classifications

The purpose of the British Board of Film Classification, besides vetting films to make sure that they don't contain material deemed unsuitable, is to classify films into various categories to provide an advance warning of what the audience might expect in terms of suitability for particular age groups.
Classifications currently in use are Uc, U, PG, 12, 12A, 15, 18 and R18
This denotes video releases deemed particularly suitable for pre-school children.
This stood for 'Universal' and denoted that a film was suitable for everyone.
Replacing the old A certificate, this stood for 'Parental Guidance'. Although anyone could be admitted, PG certificate films contained an implicit warning that the film might contain material unsuitable for children.
Introduced for cinema films, this replaced the theatrical 12 certificate and permitted children under twelve to see the films provided they were accompanied by a responsible adult.
Introduced for cinema films in 1989 and video releases in 1994, this covers films that, while containing material deemed unsuitable for children, were nonetheless considered appropriate for 12-year-olds and upwards.
This replaced the old AA certificate, raising the age limit to 15 in the process.
This replaced the old X certificate, barring people under eighteen.
This classification was exclusively intended for videos that could only be sold in licensed sex shops.


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